100% Redress Party announces first candidate

The 100% Redress Party has announced its first candidate to run in the local elections in June 2024.

Tomas Sean Devine, who is also Chair of the Party, will be contesting the seat in his native Letterkenny.

Other candidates will be announced in the coming weeks.

Tomas, who is self-employed and a father of five, said: “It’s an honour to be selected as a candidate for the 100% Redress Party. For too long, the majority of our local councillors have been silent on the issues that matter most to the people in our communities.”

“Although our major focus is on securing a genuine 100% redress scheme for all those affected by defective concrete products, we will also be campaigning on housing, health and tourism. We also want to give hope to our young people who are leaving our shores in their plane loads. To restore confidence in our democracy, it’s also vital that we bring openness and transparency to local politics”.

“Every day, affected homeowners are seeing their homes get worse. Unless the council is shaken-up at the next election, nothing will change for at least five years. Our homes are already unsafe and unhealthy. The situation is critical, just imagine how bad things will be in a few years’ time. We therefore need to get as many 100% Redress Party candidates in the council chamber to bring about the changes that are so desperately needed.”

“We must also make sure that nobody is left behind. Nothing is being said about commercial properties, our community buildings, farm buildings, second homes and rental properties. Astonishingly, foundations are still not included. And approximately 40% of homes are above the Scheme’s limit. Our message is a simple one – no exclusions, no cap and no cost to the property owner.”

“I’ll be getting out and about over the next few weeks seeking the support of everyone in the Letterkenny constituency. I urge anyone who wants to see a new approach to politics, to vote for me and other 100% Redress Party candidates, at the June 2024 local elections.”

100% Redress Party announces first candidate was last modified: March 12th, 2024 by Staff Writer
