100% Redress Party continues candidate search

The new 100% Redress Party is continuing its series of information meetings as the deadline for prospective candidates grows closer.

The party, which became a registered political party in September, is seeking to grow its membership in the lead-up to the local elections.

Next week members will visit Milford to host an information event at the Mulroy Woods Hotel, Milford on Tuesday 28th November at 7.30pm. Other such evenings have been well-attended in Letterkenny,
Ballybofey, Buncrana and Carndonagh.

Tomas Devine, Chairman of the Party, said “We have been encouraged by the support received so far and look forward to meeting people in the Milford and surrounding areas”.

Ali Farren, Public Relations Officer, commented: “We will soon be approaching the deadline for prospective candidates to come forward. If you know of anyone interested in becoming a candidate, or if you are interested yourself in finding out, more please contact us.”

Joy Beard, one of the Party’s co-founders said: “We are delighted that our website is now live. Those wishing to become members, or wanting to find out more about the Party, can visit www.100percentredressparty.ie.

100% Redress Party continues candidate search was last modified: November 21st, 2023 by Staff Writer