Bonagee United Football Club will hold a collection in aid of the We Care Letterkenny Food Bank.
The clubhouse at Dry Arch Park will be open from 10am-1pm on Saturday, December 9.
Items required include: Pasta, spaghetti, sauces, tinned meat, tinned veg, tinned fish, tinned fruit, soup, tea, coffee, sugar, jam, powdered milk, custard and cooking oil.
We Care Letterkenny Food Bank is a community-based voluntary organisation which formed in August 2014 to meet the emerging social needs of families and individuals.
The food bank is an intervention service to help families/ individuals in crisis for a limited period of time.
“As a community-based club, Bonagee United is pleased to pledge some support for the We Care Letterkenny Food Bank,” Bonagee United chairperson Niall Callaghan said.
“We have seen the figures to illustrate the increase in the demand on the food bank in the last year.
“Some families in our community are dependent on this volunteer service and, at a time of household crisis in many cases, the assistance has never been more leaned on.
“In the run-up to Christmas, it is vital that the food bank is in a position to cater for what will likely be an increased festive wish list. We at Bonagee United urge our members and our community to support this venture.
“Give what you can – it will all be most welcomed by someone in need.”
Bonagee United to hold food bank collection was last modified: November 21st, 2023 by