Coláiste Cholmcille win amazing €50k girls gaelic football grant!

Coláiste Cholmcille Ballyshannon have won an incredible €50,000 grant to help their girls football teams.

They won the national competition, hosted by Lidl and the LGFA to help boost girls’ gaelic programmes across the country.

Coláiste Cholmcille won an online public vote against three other schools.

They made the final of the competition, after first collecting stamps as part of the contest to win several new sets of jerseys for the school.

Students then had to submit a video making their case for the school, and how they would use the €50,000 to develop the school’s LGFA facilities.

On social media, the school posted their delight at having won the overall prize.

“THANK YOU! We are thrilled to announce that we have won €50,000 in funding for ladies’ football in our school sponsored by Lidl Ireland and the LGFA. We could not be happier!”

“To all the wider school community and everyone further afield, we appreciate your votes so much. The future of ladies’ football at Coláiste Cholmcille, Ballyshannon is bright!”

Coláiste Cholmcille win amazing €50k girls gaelic football grant! was last modified: March 2nd, 2024 by Staff Writer