Donegal youth worker seeking Fine Gael selection for council elections

Frosses man Jason Harley has been nominated to contest the Fine Gael Party Convention for the Donegal Local Electoral Area for the forthcoming 2024 council elections.

Harley, who is a youth worker, is a member of the Frosses Branch of Fine Gael and is heavily involved in his community in the local Frosses-Inver area.

The 25 year old is a nephew of current Donegal County Council Cathaoirleach, Martin Harley, Ballybofey-based county councillor. He is the son of Joe and Ann Harley (nee O’Malley from Dunkineely).

A past pupil of Frosses National School and Abbey Vocational School, Harley went on to study Community Development and Youth Work in Dublin and has worked in the youth work sector since.

Following a nomination from the Frosses Branch, his name will now go forward to the party’s selection convention due to take place on the 19th January.

A spokesperson for the Frosses Branch of the party said: “The Frosses branch is delighted to announce Jason Harley as our candidate for the Fine Gael Selection Convention on January 19th. Jason has been interested in politics throughout his young life and has a clear vision of what he wishes to achieve as a local representative in the Donegal electoral area.

“Jason is involved in youth work, both as a working professional and volunteer, he volunteers with the local Frosses Foroige Club and has a passion for working with young people and the challenges and issues they face.  

“Coming from a farming background, Jason is aware of the challenges facing farming communities, particularly those in south Donegal and concerns of farming families and young farmers.”

The spokesperson of the Frosses branch concluded: “We believe this will offer the electorate, especially young voters, a voice for the upcoming local elections and with Jason’s passion in areas of farming, rural and community development and challenges facing young people, the branch believes he will listen to and address issues facing people in these areas.”

Commenting on his nomination Jason outlined: “I would like to thank the members of the Frosses Branch of Fine Gael for their consideration of nominating me to contest the selection convention.

“My passion for politics started at a young age, and coming from a political family, there was always discussions about politics, topics and issues in our home. I believe that I can make a difference for people of the Donegal electoral area and reach out to people of all ages. I believe that Fine Gael would benefit from having more young people, like myself, on the ballot papers in the upcoming elections.

“I am passionate about rural Ireland and realise the importance of continuously improving our local towns and villages such as Donegal town and Killybegs as the towns have had major developments over the past few years in housing and development and would like an opportunity to build on these developments as an elected representative. I also believe in the importance of enhancing our villages in south Donegal and to make them attractive places to live, particularly for young families.

“I hope that the members of the Fine Gael party locally, from Bundoran to Glencolumbkille, will consider my nomination as a candidate for the party in the upcoming local elections. It would be an honour to have the opportunity to represent and serve the people of south Donegal as an elected representative.”




Donegal youth worker seeking Fine Gael selection for council elections was last modified: January 10th, 2024 by Staff Writer