Defective concrete block homeowners are getting caught in the middle of differing expert reports, 100% Redress Party Councillor Joy Beard has said.
The Buncrana area councillor highlighted worsening concerns over remediation recommendations of engineers employed by defective block homeowners are being downgraded by independent engineers engaged by the Housing Agency.
The reasons cited by the Housing Agency at the Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage in May was that it was looking across many different reports and applications meaning it can make a judgment using a greater knowledge base than relying on individual engineers’ recommendations. The 100% Redress Party said this was subsequently confirmed at a meeting with the four elected representatives.
Cllr Joy Beard said: “The decision by the Housing Agency can be appealed but to date no appeals have been completed leaving homeowners stressed and anxious whilst awaiting the outcome of the appeal, even though the Enhanced Defective Block Scheme is now into its second year.”
Cllr Beard continued: “It would seem reasonable that at some point the homeowner’s engineer and the Housing Agency engineer meet to discuss their respective recommendations supported by laboratory reports and any other relevant information.”
Cllr Beard also expressed concern about the lack of progress in other areas. She said: “The much-needed review of IS465 is ongoing and the 100% Redress Party is appealing to the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) to conclude the review as a matter of urgency. Many engineers are of the view that the existing standard is no longer fit-for-purpose.”
“If engineers do not sign off on remediated defective block homes (Options 2-5) this leads to mortgageability issues and could potentially leave homeowners trapped in these homes as they will be unable to sell, remortgage or change lenders. Their futures and those of their families decided for them. This is unjust and unfair, and all homes must be sellable in the future.”
Engineers’ conflicting reports fuel stress for defective block homeowners was last modified: July 16th, 2024 by