Fine Gael’s Jimmy Kavanagh to rerun for Letterkenny council seat

Letterkenny councillor Jimmy Kavanagh has been selected to run for Fine Gael in the local elections again.

Cllr Kavanagh has been a local representative since 2009 and has held the position of Letterkenny Mayor twice.

He was selected as the Letterkenny candidate for the next council elections during a Fine Gael convention in Letterkenny last night, chaired by Paddy Gildea.

Jimmy Kavanagh cares for community and county and country,” said Alma Kavanagh Curren as his proposer.

Alma gave a summary of the issues and projects that Jimmy Kavanagh had attached to his name, including community, accessibility, twinning, school programmes, tourism and allotment projects.

Seconding the proposal, Frank O Donnell, Letterkenny Michael Collins Chair, spoke of Jimmy Kavanagh’s work during his time as a staff officer in the hospital, on local quiz fundraising events, defective concrete blocks, disability causes and the wonderful work done with the local soccer club. 

Cllr Barry Sweeny, Cllr Thomas Walsh, Cllr Jimmy Kavanagh, Paddy Gildea and Cllr Johnny McGuinness

Jimmy Kavanagh then addressed the meeting, thanking the great turn out and his proposer and the officers and officials who presided at meeting. 

He spoke of his pride and history with the Fine Gael party from both his own family and Roisin, his wife. He recapped on the speakers and his work and ongoing involvement on issues. He thanked his loyal party members and family members for attending the convention. 

He then was asked to sign the party pledge by Councillor Thomas Walsh from the Sligo / Drumcliffe electoral area and following this was declared as a candidate in the Letterkenny Electoral Area. A directive was read regarding the strategy of adding a second candidate at a later stage.

Donegal Fine Gael Councillors Barry Sweeny and Johnny Mc Guinness addressed the meeting, congratulating Jimmy Kavanagh on his selection and spoke of other county issues. Apologies came from Councillor Martin Harley who could not attend due to council commitments. 

Laura Comiskey, national campaign organiser spoke of her work for the party and wished Jimmy Kavanagh and his team all the best on his campaign. Councillor Thomas Walsh closed the meeting and refreshments were served.

Fine Gael’s Jimmy Kavanagh to rerun for Letterkenny council seat was last modified: November 21st, 2023 by Staff Writer