Green light for SEAI grants for Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme

The Cabinet has given approval for the new Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Grant Scheme to support defective concrete block homeowners.

Homeowners who are availing of the Defective Concrete Block Scheme will be able to avail of the grants to upgrade homes in terms of heating and insulation standards.

Welcoming the decision Donegal minister, Charlie McConalogue said: “I look forward to the scheme opening up over the next number of weeks and to homeowners getting the support they deserve. It’s important that homeowners who have completed their works get approval and payment under this scheme, as well as the homeowners whose houses are currently under construction.

“It’s also important that the application process for houses that are going to construction in the near future is opened up. I will continue to support the effective rollout of the scheme to make sure the support that homeowners with defective concrete blocks need is delivered,” the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine commented.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland are currently finalising the process for homeowners to apply following on from the government’s approval of the details of the scheme.

Minister McConalogue said: “Much work has been ongoing over the last number of months by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland who are working alongside the Department of Energy, Climate and Communications and the Department of Housing to formulate a scheme that would properly address the needs of homeowners and integrate with the Defective Concrete Block Grant Scheme.”

“I am glad that this work has now concluded, and that the Cabinet has signed off on what is going to be an important support for homeowners.”


Green light for SEAI grants for Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme was last modified: June 12th, 2024 by Rachel McLaughlin