Killybegs skipper charged with under-recording herring catch

A Killybegs fisherman has been sent forward for trial at the circuit court on a charge relating to alleged under-recording of herring on board the vessel of which he is the Master.

Gerard McHugh of Greenhills, Fintra, Killybegs was before Donegal District Court this week.

The court heard that he had been served with the book of evidence by arrangement.

State solicitor Kieran Dillon said the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) consented to the defendant being sent forward for trial to the next sitting of Donegal Circuit Court commencing in Letterkenny on March 12.

McHugh is charged that on October 13, 2021, being the master of the Irish sea fishing boat Antarctic (bearing port registration number D97), did fail to accurately record data in the fishing logbook for the operations of the said sea-fishing boat by under-recording his catch of herring, above 50 kg of live weight, caught and retained on board.

Under Articles 14 & 15 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, the alleged offence is in contravention of Regulation 5 of the Sea Fisheries (Community Control System) Regulations 2016 (Statutory Instrument No 54/2016) contrary to Section 14 of the Sea-FIsheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act, 2006

Judge Deirdre Gearty sent the defendant forward for trial to Donegal Circuit Court sitting in Letterkenny on the single charge in the book of evidence.

Killybegs skipper charged with under-recording herring catch was last modified: March 8th, 2024 by Staff Writer