Do you have openings at your business in 2024 and need a choice of CVs to choose from straight away?
Listing your vacancy on Donegal Daily Jobs will get the word out on Donegal’s most-read news website.
With more than five million page views per month, we help local businesses put their jobs in front of potential employees every week.
We have a quick and easy process for posting vacancies, and all applications go straight to your inbox.
Our social media community comprised of 1.5million people last month, so why not add your company to that conversation? When a job goes online, we often see a supportive community tagging friends or family to ensure they don’t miss any opportunity.
If you want to successfully attract candidates to your company, book one of January’s job slots by emailing [email protected].
New Year, New Recruits: Find staff fast with Donegal Daily advertising was last modified: December 31st, 2023 by