Rally offender pays the price – 8 years later

A man has been fined in court from a motoring offence at the Donegal International Rally – eight years ago.

Marcus McCormack appeared at a special sitting of Letterkenny Circuit Court last night after he was spotted by eagle-eyed Gardai in Letterkenny.

McCormack, from Main Street in Carrowdone, Co Down, had failed to appear to answer charges arising out of motoring offences in Letterkenny back in 2016.

On that occasion, McCormack was spotted by Garda Grainne McLoone entering through an exit only signed roadway at Ramelton Road and was stopped by Gardai.

He was stopped and Gardai discovered the driver did not own the car, was not insured and also suspected him of drink driving.

When he appeared last night, his solicitor Mr Patsy Gallagher told the court that Gardai had agreed to drop two of the charges and proceed with the no insurance charge as as well as taking the vehicle without the consent of the owner.

Mr Gallagher said his client had not been in Letterkenny since 2016 and mistakenly thought the matters had gone away.

He said he did not want a hearing but wanted the matter dealt with straight away.

Judge Ciaran Liddy fined McCormack €150 on the no insurance charge and took the other charge into consideration.

Rally offender pays the price – 8 years later was last modified: June 23rd, 2024 by Staff Writer