Three Fine Gael candidates added to election ticket

Fine Gael in Donegal has so far confirmed three candidates going forward for the 2024 local elections this summer.

Recent selection conventions took place for the Donegal and Milford municipal districts.

In the Donegal MD, sitting councillor Barry Sweeny from Ballyshannon and Killybegs fishing representative Manus Boyle have been chosen for the ticket.  Manus Boyle is the son of a Fine Gael (FG) county councillor and County Council Chairperson John Boyle. Youth worker Jason Harley missed out at the selection event on Friday last.

The Milford selection convention took place on Monday, where Aaron Sweeney was chosen to go forward in the MD. The Cranford man has been a long-time member of the Fine Gael Donegal Executive Committee.

Fine Gael currently holds four of 37 seats on Donegal County Council.

Cllr Jimmy Kavanagh, Aaron Sweeney and Frank Feighan TD

Three Fine Gael candidates added to election ticket was last modified: January 24th, 2024 by Staff Writer