Woman kicked Garda in the stomach when arrested after drunken takeaway rant

A drunken woman who kicked a female Gardai in the stomach has appeared in court.

Deborah Murphy appeared at Letterkenny District Court in Co Donegal following the attack on Garda Rachel Keane at Letterkenny Garda Station.

The court was told that Gardai were called to the Four Lanterns takeaway on November 23rd, 2023 after a woman was reported to be acting aggressively.

Garda Sergeant Maurice Doyle said Murphy was drunk and acting aggressively to other members of the public and was warned by Gardai to desist.

She left the takeaway and walked to nearby Market Square where she continued to be aggressive to members of the passing public.

The 41-year-old accused, of Ballymacool Woods, Letterkenny, was arrested under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, handcuffed and taken to Letterkenny Garda Station.

While in the station she again lashed out and kicked Garda Rachel Keane in the stomach although Garda Keane did not receive any serious injuries.

She was later charged with assaulting Garda Keane, being drunk and disorderly and provoking a breach of the peace.

Solicitor for Ms Murphy, Mr Patsy Gallagher, said his client was a mother-of-four who finds herself alone after a failed relationship.

He said that alcohol was the issue but asked the court if it could delve into her background and give the woman any support it can.

Judge Eiteain Cunningham said she accepted the woman may need assistance and there may be “other issues going on.”

However, she told Mr Gallagher he was aware of the court’s position to any negative interaction with Gardai.

She added that it was a serious matter that a member was kicked in the stomach adding that this type of behaviour towards Gardai cannot be condoned.

Judge Cunningham ordered a Probation and Welfare Report to be carried out on Murphy and adjourned the case until December 2nd.

Woman kicked Garda in the stomach when arrested after drunken takeaway rant was last modified: September 3rd, 2024 by Staff Writer